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Welcome to our blog
Please do have a read about everything we get up to. If you have an idea for a blog let us know, it may go towards a badge!

Sam Stevens
Feb 8, 20201 min read
Very Muddy Cubs Hike
Worting Cubs joined with 90 other Cubs from the district for a very muddy hike. A few remarks from the Worting that the pace wasn’t quite...
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Andy Butler
Jan 21, 20202 min read
Youshape is shaped like a Cub.Â
Tonight started off with a rowdy game consisting of four packs, four squares, four coloured frisbees and a whistle where a point was...
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Sam Stevens
Oct 27, 20191 min read
Cubs Show The Way
Some of the Cubs took part in a DIY day where they built a signpost to the world! Each Cub built a sign showing the way to a Capital city...
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Sam Stevens
May 22, 20191 min read
Cubs Play Hockey
Last night the Cubs all learnt to play Hockey. A new sport for some which will go towards the Our Skills Challenge Badge!
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Andy Butler
May 13, 20192 min read
Scouts Brownsea island trip.
12th-13th May 2019 We hope that bath and bed have worked wonders and that you can now begin to collate and relate the tales of our good...
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Andy Butler
May 13, 20193 min read
Cubs Survival Hut Weekend
Well done to all the Cubs who managed to survive the survival hut weekend! They cooked, they washed up, they hiked and they did lots of...
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Andy Butler
May 9, 20191 min read
The sorting has been sorted!
Thanks to everybody who joined in with the duck sort last night at the hut. Many people make light work and in this instance that...
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Andy Butler
Apr 2, 20191 min read
The Cubs started in Oakley but ended in India....
Tonight the Cubs strolled from Oakley Scout hut to our own hut. Following the train tack there were keen shouts of "train" and pointed...
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