Our Chief Scout Bear Grylls has announced 100 things to do indoors. In this time of isolation brings some uncertainty and with the kids off school for the foreseeable future we hope these activities can keep then occupied when needed. Keep track of anything you do as it may well go towards a badge!
The following is taken from the https://www.scouts.org.uk/ website and there are various links below to help you find the fun activities. Can you do the all?
We know the coming days and weeks are going to be difficult for families across the UK, as the spread of Covid-19 causes schools to close. As the experts in developing skills and bringing adventure to young people, we want to do what we can to help.
While we normally love the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together some inspired indoor activity ideas (if we do say so ourselves). Keep your kids learning new skills and having fun (and avoid hearing ‘I’m bored’ every 30 seconds) all in #TheGreatIndoors.
Useful links for The Great Indoors 100