This evenings Scout night was a lovely stroll around the Old Basing countryside. Starting at the Old Basing Village hall and looping around through the river strewn outback of Old Basing farm land. There was mud, and plenty of it, bridges, mud, fields, mud, rain, mud, horses, mud and some more mud.
A few Scouts managed some 10 ratings for slips in to, you guessed it, the MUD! So apologies to any parents who may have to Hoover and clean their cars over the weekend.
As we walked through the fields we heard an Owl at one point. We followed the railway back towards the old Basing Rec, through Oliver's Battery and back to where it began. With Chrissie returning from her most important task of finding a chip shop willing to dish up enough chips for 20 ish hungry, slightly damp and definitely muddy Scouts and leaders!
